Good Morning, God!

“That I may publish with the

voice of thanksgiving,

and tell of all thy wondrous works.”

Psalm 26:7

What do you do when life seems to be whacking you across the side of the head and leaving you in the dust?

About six years ago, I was recovering from two falls that caused a lot of muscle tears in my core. Yeah, ouch. During a long and painful recovery, the Lord led me to scriptures that showed me His love and plan for my life in a way I’d not seen before.  Afterwards, God brought me through a severe job-related injury requiring surgery plus two years of physical therapy. Now, a stroke in my cerebellum and brain stem has brought new challenges.

What do you do when life seems to be whacking you across the side of the head and leaving you in the dust? Well, each morning these scriptures help me start my day with Jesus, giving me peace and direction through His faithfulness and promises. God speaks through His Word.

The Lord led me to put these scriptures in pamphlet form.  GOOD MORNING GOD is offered here for download and printing.  May they bless and encourage you also.

In Jesus’ Name and in His love,



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